PHCN Worker was not allowed to Disconnect Power Supply at Orile.
NewsReport Nigeria February 18, 2021
We have not been having light in our area we took our time to take records of when they give light compare to the crazy bill that was given to us.
NewsReport Nigeria reports that power Holding Company of Nigeria Official went on a disagreement with residential people in an area at Orile Iganmu.
It was said that the official was about to disconnect there light before they started the disagreement, the boys in the area said they took calculation of the amount of time they gave them light and the bill that was brought to their house was extremely too much how on earth can we consume 50,000 naira electricity in a month.
This was there frustration, one of the residential, a lady said she uses her generator to do most of her business, and she pay bills every month according to her she said in a week sometime they will give them 3hrs of power supply during the day and after that till mid-night I don’t know whether they expect me to come and sell my goods to them in the night that they used to bring the light.
The power Holding Company of Nigeria Official said it’s what they consume they get, still on the issue people in the residents said let us know how you do your calculations we will start recording the period, minutes or hour that light is been supplied.
40 thousand was the charges that was given to us, and we won’t take this anymore if this is how it’s going to continue then prepaid meters should be installed in all residents crazy bills, but they won’t cause of what they gain on a monthly basis.
They were not allowed to disconnect the light, the officials said since they were not allowed to do there job the entire area will suffer power supply breakdown.
My question is that is this how it works in other countries, aside from prepaid meters is this how electrical power supply officials carries ladder around to disconnect people’s cable cause of unpaid bills, is there no other ways that government can look into this prepaid meter to be installed in all houses, cause it remains government properties.
Why must it be that residential have to pay huge money to buy prepaid meter that remains government properties?
This has to stop because, the things that causes violence and at the end of the day citizens will be blamed, I think we need to get it right.
It was said that there should be a way this issues can be resolved, tariff, crazy bills, bribery it’s just too bad in a civilized country.
Ghana supply light to their citizens without any power supply officials on the street at the end of the month disconnecting people’s light cause of unpaid bills.
This country finds it difficult to install meters to all residents cause of what they are to get from residential.
Crazy bills and bribery won’t allowed them to do what is right, so there for we have to fight it until we get what we want, Mr Jude one of the residents in the area said.