Tinubu assures rescue of Kaduna and Borno kidnapped victims. In a recent statement, President Bola Tinubu expressed his confidence in the rescue of the...
Bandits will attack Abuja-Kaduna Train, See the leaked memo. The Department of State Services, DSS, has, in a leaked memo to the Nigeria Railway Corporation, NRC,...
Police Inspector Kills Colleague The Nigeria Police Force has arrested an Inspector attached to 62 Police Mobile Force (PMF), Kafanchan, Kaduna State, for allegedly...
Terrorists free 5 more Hostages from the Kaduna Train Kidnap.
See why over 700 students were barred from taking the 2022 WAEC exam.
Abubakar Alkali, one of the trainer plane that crashed in Kaduna, has been buried.
President Buhari Will Commission Kaduna Projects