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If the APC fails to manage its crisis, the opposition may take power in 2023.

If the APC fails to manage its crisis, the opposition may take power in 2023.



Wema Bank Alat

If the APC fails to manage its crisis, the opposition may take power in 2023.

If the APC fails to manage its crisis, the opposition may take power in 2023.


NewsReport gathered that President Muhammadu Buhari remarked on Thursday that if the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) fails to put its house in order, the opposition will take over in 2023.

The president, in response to a question during an exclusive interview on Nigerian National Television Authority (NTA) monitored by Daily Independent on whether the APC can put its house in order before its national convention, said the APC should learn from the PDP’s fate in the 2015 general elections.

This online information learned that according to the president, the PDP, which was the ruling party at the time, was so arrogant that it never imagined opposition parties could band together and run in the presidential election.

He added that by the time the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), and All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) merged, it was too late for the PDP to realize its mistake.

“Well, we have a time frame. We have to work because the four-year cycle is constitutional; it cannot be interfered by anybody. So, if the party cannot agree, then the opposition can take over”.

“What did the PDP do? They thought that the opposition cannot agree and come together. But when the ACN, ANPP, CPC, APGA came together, they were off. They are still off. So, they can see it” he said.


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