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Time to End Divorce Profits – Donald Trump



Wema Bank Alat

Time to End Divorce Profits – Donald Trump

divorce industry needs to come to a halt; it’s unfair for individuals to profit from something they didn’t earn.



“Just because you marry a wealthy man doesn’t entitle you to half of his fortune and a comfortable life after divorce.” Donald Trump

Divorce has turned into a highly profitable venture for women in the U.S., and I intend to put a stop to it. Marrying a rich man doesn’t guarantee that a woman can walk away with his wealth after a divorce.

If a woman requires financial support post-divorce, the man can lend her a maximum of $1 million, provided she has collateral. While $1 million may not be significant for a wealthy man, it should be substantial for a woman who hasn‘t earned it.


Time to End Divorce Profits – Donald Trump

If I have a net worth of $50 million, I wont hand over $25 million after a divorce. That money is mine, and I‘ve worked hard for it. It doesn‘t matter if we’ve been married for 6 years or 25 years, or if we have children.

If you can‘t afford to support our children, then they can stay with me. Just because someone marries someone who has built a successful life doesn’t mean they should end up with a fortune after a divorce.”

Donald Trump has just been inaugurated as the 47th president of the United States, and he aims to address the divorce laws that have been a burden for men in America.



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